JUMP TO👋 Welcome to Alkimiya ProtocolIntroductionDoc For DevelopersArchitectureDeployed Contract AddressesSilicaPoolsSilicaIndexBTC Tx Fee IndexBase L2 IndexCap/Floor CalculationAlkimiya APIMarket ProtocolsAccount SummaryRetrieve orders data for a specific account and pool.getRetrieve orders data for a specific account and pool.getRetrieve position data for a specific account and pool.getOrdersCreate a new orderpostFetch a specific ordergetFetch PnL data for a specific order.getCreate a batch of new orderpostPnlFetch a specific pnl for a userpostFetch a specific pnl for a userpostFetch a specific pnl for a userpostPoolsRetrieve a list of pools.getCreate a pool.postRetrieve detailed information about a specific pool.getFetch asks associated with a specific pool.getFetch best bid and ask data associated with a specific pool.getFetch bids associated with a specific pool.getFetch orders associated with a specific pool.getRetrieve trades executed in a specific pool.getRetrieve asks across multiple pools.postRetrieve best bid-ask across multiple pools.postRetrieve bids across multiple pools.postPriceFetch timeseries data for price movements in a specific market and chain.getFetch timeseries data for price movements in a specific market and chain.getHealthHealth checkgetInfoFetch information about the configurationgetSECURITYAuditsGlossaryContact UsPowered by Retrieve trades executed in a specific pool.get https://trading-api.alkimiya.io/api/v3/{market}/{chainId}/pools/{poolHash}/tradesRetrieve trades executed in a specific pool.