Fill Available Orders

  1. Open the trading page of the Alkimiya DApp.

  1. Make sure you have the "Available Orders" section selected.

  1. You can now choose if you want to enter into a Long or Short position.

  2. Next, pick the orders you want to fill.

    • If you're going Long, the lower the Breakeven, the better. This is because if the index goes above the Breakeven, you profit; so, the lower the Breakeven, the greater the probability of the index going above it.

    • If you're going Short, the higher the Breakeven, the better. This is because if the index goes under the Breakeven, you profit; so, the higher the Breakeven, the greater the probability of the index staying under it.

  3. To select orders to fill, you can hand-pick by clicking on any you choose to fill.

  1. When you have selected orders, you can see a summary of the trade you're about to open. This summary includes:

    • The total payment required to take the trade and the size of the long/short position being opened.

    • Your overall Breakeven.

    • The range of payout you can expect when settling this position at the end of the contract.

  1. Finally, click the "Confirm" button to finalize the transaction with your wallet.

If you don't see an order you like, feel free to create your own order to signal to the market the Breakeven at which you are willing to trade. This flow is explained in the next section.

Last updated